Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Great White North

I know I am a horrible blogger - my last real post was back in April and its August now. I promise I will be better, and with my internship wrapping up my schedule should allow for more posting.

So since school adjourned:
Spent a good 2 weeks in San Diego with the family - got to meet my new nephew, eat tons of delicious food I have missed and just chilled
Went to Lake Powell - it had been so long since my last trip (6 years). It was great to just veg, play games, read and get some sun
Took an impromptu trip to the UK - me the girl who plans everything...just hopped on a plane with 2 weeks notice and had a blast putzing around England, Scotland and Wales.
Moved to Minneapolis! - Packed up the cat and all my junk for the 10 hr drive
Worked the last 8 weeks in Target's Decorative Home Division - working my tail off on my project that spans 10 categories

I had some fun and some trying times - but I wouldn't have expected anything less. I have pushed myself to a level that I didn't know I could work to, couldn't have asked for more.

Just got to push through...will be over before I know it. Hello, Good Buy!