Thursday, January 28, 2010

The next adventure...

This week has probably been the most hectic, stressful and yet exciting period of my life. The week started off with an interview with Target. They were the reason I had come to business school, so I had a lot riding on me to do well on the interview. 10 or so of my classmates were also interviewing and we didn't know how many spots they were planning on taking from Kelley (eep!) About 6 of us got called Monday evening to come back for a second round on Tuesday.

Cue more stress, smaller pool but still no indication on how many slots. Did the best I could do under the circumstances and made sure to take a little of the edge off by talking to one of the senior buyers after. It's funny how much more relaxed you are when your resume is no longer on the table. Decisions were to come out on Weds. *cue dramatic music*

Weds morning came and went, as did Weds afternoon. All my classmates knew how badly I wanted the position and were checking in with me every chance they got. I began to sound like a broken record with "still no news." I think by the time I got home I didn't have any fingernails left!

When we got home, I pretty much gave up on the idea of hearing whether I would make it or not. I settled in to watch "Everybody Hates Chris" (how apropos right?!) and tried to relax. Then, BZZZ BZZZ! A 612 number! OMG! And that was it! My offer to my dream internship, still makes me get all choked up. I had worked so hard for it so to see it come full circle was great validation.

After I got off the phone, I was frantic! Who to call first!? After attacking Charlton and squealing for a good 5 minutes, I called my mom who was just as excited as I was. Then there was my sister, brother, friends and my aunt to fill in. I seriously got nothing done yesterday.

This has been a nutty week, but I am glad it is finally over and with such positive results. Now I can finally start focusing on schoolwork again!

Winter Pic Recap

I know these have been a long time coming, but with break and the whirlwind of interview season finally getting to posting these. Sorry, I know bad blogger! But enjoy, I promise to be more prompt with the picture updates in the future!

Monday, January 25, 2010

And so it starts...

Today is my first on campus interview. I am excited and nervous, and just want to do well and not embarrass myself. It's like b-school interviews although the stakes are higher as I no longer have a job to fall back on.

But it's at 8:30 and I have to make sure I have adequate time on campus and look cute in my suit so better go get ready. Wish me luck!

Weekend Recap

Friday: Was the kickoff of our CMA projects, mine is evaluating global entry for Kitchenaid brand. Very exciting stuff! My team had a little meet and greet to discuss questions we wanted asked and then we met with the other team working on the project to have a conference call with our project manager at Whirlpool. We have lots of information, and we can't wait to get started, too bad we have those pesky interviews in the way! After CMA I volunteered at the snack shack for the Kelley Women's Case Comp. I got to hang out with some classmates and attempt to do homework so not a bad gig. Although I didn't get to leave campus until 7, though. Then it was off to Target to get thank you notes for this week.

Saturday: All day spent studying and doing homework. At 5, headed to campus to watch Operation Thunderbolt with my KIP classmates. Then off to the IMU for the Case Comp awards dinner where Kelley took home 3rd and one classmate took home honorable mention for her part of the presentation! Good job ladies!

Sunday: More of the same, lots of accounting, lots of reading for our KIP. Also a little interview prep, but not too much as one of my favorite second years reminded me that I know what I am doing. Let's hope she is right. Charlton had a group project at 7, so I packed my bag and watched trashy tv and was in bed by 9:30.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Long day

So I didn't get to leave campus today until 8, and I got there at 9:30...what a day! First, I trucked across campus to pick up my SPSS software for my Market Research class. Was very glad the rain decided to come later, that's for sure. Then back at Kelley, I attempted to read for class and didn't get very far as I was talking to my classmates who were preparing for their first interviews on campus. Next up, Market Research where we talked about the 2 hour focus group video we watched on diagnosing allergies. Then straight to a planning meeting for the International Dessert Potluck we are co-hosting with Asian & Latin MBA. After that, a meeting to talk about my experiences at Qualcomm with an Investment Management Academy student who plans on pitching the stock for the fund the academy manages. Then a little more studying and talk about interviews (the hot topic of every first year these days) and then there was an MBAA funding and planning meeting. Once that wrapped up, I got debriefed on volunteering for Kelley's first Women's Case Invitational that my friends are competing in. After the quick debrief, it was off to the kick off reception in the basement catered by Good Life Culinary, which was absolutely delicious! Once the girls were all settled in their break out room, I finally left school and went to Target to get my thank you notes for next week. Finally collapsed on the couch around 9 to watch Martha and the office and get a snack. I have spent the last hour reading Market Research stuff and can hardly keep my eyes open. Need to get to bed, I have a big day tomorrow...CMA team project kick-off and a conference call with my project coordinator at Whirlpool.

In the middle

Yesterday was nuts, but most of my days are now. Had accounting and brand, a mock, a Kelley Women exec meeting and a brief visit to the museum. Then I got home and spent 2-3 hours updating what we want to do with the website so my chair can fix it up for us. Fun times! Have a feeling today is going to be worse, on campus from 9:15-8:00 pm. Wish me luck!

And now its in print!

While flipping through my Real Simple last night, I was pleasantly surprised to see this ad. Giada & Target together in PRINT. Love it. You get to see all the new products and Giada enjoying the food she has prepared with them. Beautiful, now we're really cooking.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

And its over!

We finally finished plowing through the Wire. Just in time for us too, things are ramping up like crazy here.

Today wasn't so bad itself: Market Research, tons of Kelley Women stuff and my first Pilates class at the HPER. Oh and my first tour for SAC.

Tomorrow is another story with Accounting, Brand Management, Kelley Women Exec meeting a mock interview, and an event at the Art Museum. Buckle up!

New Packaging for Lean Cuisine

While I didn't think anything was wrong with the old packaging, I love the redesign! Fresh and clean, it really draws attention to the simpleness of the food and the nutrition of it. Its a great way to stand out in the category, as no one else has such straightforward and beautiful packaging. Bravo Nestle!

No School Monday

Yesterday we had off for MLK day. It was nice to get a little break so early in the semester and let me adequately catch up on my homework and work at finishing the Wire. I stayed in my PJs all day only leaving the house to take Addie on a walk. Wish we had more Mondays like this!

Great Idea!

To have a mini Starbucks card to hang from your keys! So whether you are just coming home from the gym or out to meet a friend all you need is your key ring and you've got yourself a latte!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Faculty Auction Dinner

Last night we were able to claim our prize of dinner at Gale Nichols, Director of Student Services, home. She had 14 of us first years over for an amazing home cooked meal. Each dish was amazing and I ate way too much! The dinner gave us all a chance to catch up with each other as a lot of our schedules don't overlap anymore. Gale was a great host and FANTASTIC cook, class of 2012 take note and start saving your money now for next year's faculty auction!

Peer Coach Dinner

Friday my peer coach, Tara, had all of her peer coachees over for dinner to just talk through where we are and get a sense of where we are going. It was really great to get together with everyone and just talk about everything. Totally felt spoiled too with a home cooked dinner, I don't think any of the other peer coaches did that. Really helped me focus on this last final push, so glad she is in my court.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Target ♥s P&G

CMA Friday this week, has been my favorite session so far. But I do have a bias as my class' "Target Girl" We had representatives from P&G come to campus and discuss some new initiatives to a department in the store. It was great to hear about how collaborative their relationship is and how they can utilize data each has to best serve the guest. And to top it off, we all headed to the Bloomington Target for a personalized store tour. It's days like this that I don't mind being at school at 9 am on a Friday.


When we were immersed in the Core all we heard was it would get better second semester. Well, now I am not so sure. My time seems even limited, and I only have 4 classes. But now I have 2 class teams so far, 1 academy team and then Kelley Women Exec activities taking up my time. Oh and don't forget mock interviews! I had 4 mock interviews and then a GCS sponsored slam-a-thon in the span of 3 days. And their not even over yet, I have another one already lined up for next week, and maybe an interview if I played my cards right.

The atmosphere at school has changed a lot too. Can't say they didn't warn us, that things would change once preference lists for companies came out and I definitely feel it. More competitive, a little jealousy, and a lot of people who are torn between being excited and being depressed. It's a weird time: new classes, new attitudes and new commitments.

New from General Mills

I was able to get my first taste of General Mills Chocolate Cheerios in their corporate store in their HQ. Not my favorite, was similar to Cocoa Puffs but not as chocolatey. However, the Banana Nut Cheerios they gave us coupons for and I have since tried...AMAZING! And now both are in a supermarket near you.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Where is my seat?

The start of a new semester and my first day of non-core classes, its weird to type that. While it is fun to have new classes and ones I picked I already miss some of the familiarity there was in the core. I don't have the same seat, I have to move classes and second years mixed with the first years changes the dynamic a lot. I am sure it will take some getting used to and then by then it will be summer right!?

Today I had my most filled day class wise with 3 classes: Managerial Accounting, Brand Asset Management and KIP Israel. So far I like all of them and I am really pumped about KIP Israel, and yes they bribe us with food from Falafels, but I am really excited at all we are going to see and experience. In an effort to get to bed before 1, here is the rest of my day in a nutshell:
  • Waited in line forever to mail our textbooks we sold
  • Signed up for the wrong pilates class after getting lost in the HPER
  • Switched my pilates class to the one my friends are in
  • Watched an episode of the Wire
  • Fast forwarded through a whole episode of Martha Stewart watching only 2 minutes
  • Wore my new boots in the house for a good 2 hours
  • Danced when I got a present from my aunt of new silverware!
  • Talked to my dad on the phone
  • Read my case for Brand Management's Weds class on Samsung
  • Read a chapter of Accounting
  • Made appointments for 3 mock interviews this week
  • Tried to kick this cold
  • etc.
There is no warm-up, just go!

These Boots are Made for Walking

I ♥ my new Kamik Brooklyn Boots! I can't wear them tomorrow and not have to worry about my feet getting cold. Hooray for Endless and their free overnight shipping!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Two of my favorites meet...

in the middle of Kitchenwares! I am so excited about Giada's new partnership with Target! I really think she resonates with their target guest and it should be a great venture for the both of them. I can't wait to see how it does, and better yet tastes (at least the sauces and not the pans) as I had to show a little restraint after spending quite a bit on jewelry there during my last visit. I will definitely have to ask about it during my store tour with the CMA on Friday.

Welcome Back!

So tonight marks the end of winter break. I had a great time visiting my family and being back in San Diego. I miss them and the food already! The last week has been packed with a whirlwind trip to Minneapolis to visit Land O' Lakes, 3M, General Mills and Target and try to make nice with the -9 degree weather. I brought back with me loads of new clothes (thanks mom and dad), Banana Nut Cherrios (thanks General Mills) and my coveted Bullesye stuffed dog (thanks Target). Since being back I have had some time to catch up with some of my friends, take Addie for walks in the snow and watch as much of the Wire as humanly possible and just relax. It's been nice, but I have to say goodbye to it, and hello to my 2nd semester.